Production Blog

 Hello World,

Today we will be filming the missing scenes of our film. We weren't able to finish all of the scenes because we ran out of time, everyone's parents began to arrive earlier than we scheduled. Another reason why we weren't able to finish filming everything was because Daniel was having a hard time staying in character, memorizing the lines, and couldn't stop laughing. When I was at home, I filmed the scene where I was talking on the phone with my friend and the scene where Daniel ran into my room. The phone call scene was easy to film and I breezed right through it. For this shot, we filmed it at a tilt because we forgot to include that angle in any of the other shots. The harder scene to film was the one where Daniel ran into my room and told me that the creepy person that is stalking him was outside. It took a while to actually get a good take because he wouldn't stop giggling and would mess up his lines. After a couple of attempts, we were finally able to take an acceptable shot. The last missing scene we had to film was one of my friends on a phone call. Filming this part of the final task was complicated because we originally planned to film it at church after the service ended. However, we completely forgot to film the scene. By the time I remembered that we were supposed to film it, we were already at home. So, we decided to film it the next day in the morning since we had Sunday service. I recorded it the same way as I filmed the phone call scene that I was in, so at a tilt. We thought it would be cool to film both scenes at a tilt to edit it in a cool and different way, our inspiration is a diagonal split screen. We breezed through this scene and it only took us two takes to get what we needed. For her, she barely had to say anything, making it quick and simple. Finally were done with the filming process!!!! I'm so happy that we don't have to deal with worrying and stressing about when and how we will all be able to film.

Until next time!!!!

Giovanna Pereira


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