Production Blog

Hello World,

Back to editing the titles. I had already written most of them yesterday, so there wasn't much to finish today concerning the titles. I continued to finish them, place them in the correct spots, and order in the film. Since there weren't many people who participated in the production of the film, there weren't many names that needed to be written. Due to this, I was able to just copy and paste the names as many times as needed depending on how many titles they are associated with. Another thing I had to do was match the timing of each individual title so they wouldn't be on the screen for a longer or shorter amount of time than others. Once those were finally complete, I switched over to the effects and transitions part of the editing process. When working on the film, I decided to change my mind on a couple of things regarding the beginning and final transitions. I originally planned on using the dissolving effect at the end but now I feel like not having any effects when the film ends with a black scene raises the suspense and mystery aspect that I'm going for. I used any effects in my film, however, I did use a bit when it came to the flashback. I changed the color of the scene for both characters talking on the phone from colorful to black and white. I also included a glitch transition to have a dramatic and edgy feel to the flashback. The only other minor details that I edited were the very light transitions between each scene so they wouldn't look too blocky throughout the film. I also worked on some individual scenes as well, mainly when it came to speed. The next thing that I had to conquer was the timing of the film, and boy oh boy did I have some work cut out for me. Once scene in the film that I worked on for a while was the one where Daniel sees spooky in his room and when he rubs his eyes, it disappears. I had to do some research on how to edit this scene because I wanted it to be blurry in the beginning and then clear after he rubbed his eyes. After playing with the scene for a bit, common sense hit me and I broke that scene into two. For the first half, I added a blur effect and for the second half I left it with no effect. Then, I included a smooth transition like I did for the rest of the scenes between the two that I was working on. This made the transition between the two effect very smooth and it turned out just like I imagined it to.

Until next time!!!!!

Giovanna Pereira
